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Some basic information for troubleshoot (CAM2 App)

Before we start, we need the following information to help us troubleshoot: 

!!Note. Please reply with all information in the email, not add comments here. 

Q1. How to get my NVR’s  Model and FW version (Directly progress on an NVR)?

  1. Find the NVR, the NVR looks like a black box.
  2. You need a Mouse and Monitor connected to the NVR
    **The following steps are directly processed on the NVR**
  3. After you log in you need to go to the settings page
  4. Then go to the “Basic Information” page (Systems->System Information->Basic)
  5. You will find the NVR’s model here
  6. Now we need your FW version, click the “View” button next to the “Device Details“, then you will find it
    **We only need the big FW version. In this example, we only need 1.4.12**

Q2. Where I can find the “Server list” on the CAM2 App?

  1. Open the CAM2 APP
  2. The “Server list” page at the top right corner
  3. This is the “Server list” page looks like
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