Code Interview – Alice New Game

alice has invented a new card game to play with bob. alice made a deck of cards with random values between 1 and 52. bob picks 5 cards. then, he has to rearrange the cards so that by utilizing the operations plus, minus, or times, the value of the cards reach alice’s favorite number, 42. more precisely, find operations such that ((((val1 op1 l2) op2 val3) op3 val4) op4 val5) = 42.

package aliceNewGame;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

public class main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
    	String result42 = "NO";
        String line = "4 20 3 1 40";
        String[] tokens = line.split(" ");
        int[] values = new int[tokens.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
            values[i] = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]);
        Set<Integer> results = new HashSet<>();
        canReach42(values, 0, values[0], results);

        for (int result : results) {
            if(result == 42) {
            	result42 = "YES";

    public static void canReach42(int[] values, int index, int current, Set<Integer> results) {
        if (index == values.length - 1) {
        // Try addition
        canReach42(values, index + 1, current + values[index + 1], results);
        // Try subtraction
        canReach42(values, index + 1, current - values[index + 1], results);
        // Try multiplication
        canReach42(values, index + 1, current * values[index + 1], results);
        // Try concatenation
        int next = values[index + 1];
        canReach42(values, index + 1, current * 10 + next, results);